This is Dlenia's map of the Dreamtree realm. She seems to add notes occasionally.
/---------------\ 22--20 / \ | /-25 18-----\ 13 17--19< | | \ | \-24 | 4--------12 23--21 | / \ | 16 +----2 3---\ 11 / | \ / =----\ / 5------1------+-----14 | \ | | | | +--6-=--<<--=-----/ | / | / | 7------8 10 N \ / \ / W+E 15 9 S KEY: \|/-< = paths << = one way = = non-connecting crossing + = connecting crossing
1: The Dreamtree
2: Quotestone
3: Magic Pools
4: Moonflowers
5: Sea Cliffs
6: Dreamstorm
7: Beach
8: Fort Ruins
9: Clover Fields
10: Magic Meadow (doesn't affect me.)
11: Home
12: Faery Chapel
13: The Edge (of someone's soul?)
14: Dragon Peak
15: Cove
16+17: Warpgates (connected)
18: Crystal Bluffs
19: Dwarven Hall
20: King's Chamber
21: Queen's Chamber
22+23: Battlements (went to surface in the Alterland)
24: Dining Room
25: Throne Room (ceremonial)
The dwarven castle rooms came from somewhere in the Alterland, which travelers always call "Reality". The magic meadow has some sort of size-change magic, but I can't cross to the small world to map it. The pattern is green; must ask if it's different to others someday.