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Short Stories - Lakeside Park
Many of these arose as an exploration of some sort of philosophical question that drifted through my mind.
- Exponentia - A legendary blade, but evil... like the Masamune in Chrono Cross.
- Magic Unlimited - What would happen if there were no limits on the use of magic?
- Sapphire Dawn - Part I of the story of my creation, detailing how I got to be a cat.
- Sapphire Moonlight - Part II, telling of a night of magic in a faerie meadow.
- Soliloquy in Silver - My thoughts on being forgotten...
- Souldrinker - Step into the mind of a demon as he steals someone's soul.
- The Incubus - Something was bothering me, so I wrote a story about it. Intended for mature
- Legend of the Demoness - A legend of how and why a demoness was placed in the sky.
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