Listed from newest to oldest; images with bold titles were added within a month of the last update.
In the descriptions, "CGed" means that it has been worked on from the computer. "Synth" means it was created
entirely on the computer, and not scanned in and painted over.
As featured on the main index, the Heartstone, after growing in power for 2 years. Somewhat larger due to not having such a
tight load time constraint. Computer colored sketch.
A male anthromorphic cat in humanish form. I was slightly annoyed at seeing "anthro" critters as just humans with funny ears
and tail or as furries, so I drew this and tried to mix the parts better. Mechanical pencil.
An arrow is in sharp focus, but the guy firing it and girl being shot are heavily motion blurred. Part playing with the concept
of nonstandard reference frames, part playing with gel pens. Gel pens, of course.
An experimental work. I was trying to duplicate the effect of watercolor, and I also wanted to see how it would look if the
coloring didn't quite match a sketch laid on top of it. CG under gel pen.
Someone I know was feeling a bit unlike themselves... which inspired me to draw this. A demon takes over a girl, and his
fingers are her clothing. The dissolving cross was simply impulsive. Mechanical pencil.
Another work done later the same night as Doodles, also in sharpie. Someone with long hair, a cape, and two dirks is destroying
an altar of the Sierpinski Triangle God. Marker.
It just wasn't a pencil art night, so I grabbed my sharpie and a piece of paper and started drawing with reckless abandon. This
page includes a little blood dripping from a tanto blade, an orb with a cat's eye highlight sealed in a cage with a pentagram on
top, a fish with a sword, a flying star-like thing, and random abstract stuff... Marker.
A faerie looking with horror at the blood on her hands, with a quote from Lady Macbeth. (I had to get the Complete Works of
Shakespeare off the closet shelf to do this, so you'd better like it! :P ) Mechanical pencil.
An evil pine tree, brother of Pine Tree Pete. He's a mage, but I don't think it's your usual friendly elf magic. Don't cross
his path.... Mechanical pencil.
Half dragon, half car. I like the mean feeling I managed to impart to this. Done in the same style as Attacking Dragon, but
with some touching up done in the GIMP. Mechanical pencil.
A cat in the moonlight; ~100 KB; silver-backed scratchboard. Done for an art class in high school in 1997. It took me a while
to get around to taking it out of the frame and scanning it. Scratchboard (didn't I say that?)
A four-winged dragon, leaping up and twisting to attack the viewer. Black and white, no shading... I've finally figured out how
to draw so that the scanner can see the paper as white and not lose any detail. Mechanical pencil.
Rear view of a faerie standing in front of a bent-over tulip. Her hair's awfully long because I couldn't get her feet right in
the strange technique I used. Mechanical pencil.
A cartoon of a guy getting killed by some sort of round demon that he just released from a bottle of death. Scary Movie meets
Final Fantasy? Mechanical pencil.
A diving dragon. It's been CGed, but the cool effect I had in mind refused to look good. The wings decided to take on a life of
their own... the really cool stuff I do with CG is all accidental. CG; original mechanical pencil.
A faery flying and reaching toward the night sky. The constellation in the upper right corner is the Unicorn, shamelessly
stolen from Jewel's "Star Unicorn" picture. Synth.
A demon shaped like a key, and its shadow has dragon wings, unicorn horn, and cat tail and ears. Something drawn to avoid
falling asleep in Database Management. Mechanical pencil.
Just something we had to do in art class in high school. Colored pencil, symmetric, with at least one organic shape. I was too
lazy to stitch it together, so I just scanned the hunk out of the middle.
A were-demon in the process of changing form. Apparently, I didn't draw it well enough, because everyone I showed it to thought
he was being cut in half. (Except Jewel.) Mechanical pencil.
An abstract work born while wrangling with alpha channels for a totally different idea. A hole in someone's soul offers a
glimpse of blood and demons. It could be anybody's, including my own. Synth.
Our Order of the Arrow lodge hosted the Section NE-5A conclave in 1999, and I designed the patch to commemorate the event. I
still get a warm fuzzy glow whenever I see it on someone's uniform or shirt... Original design in Crayola marker.
I was trying to make a convincing-looking explosion in the GIMP (it's easy in DeluxePaint, but PCs can't read Amiga disks...)
when I got sidetracked by fractal mapping and came up with this instead. Synth.
A bird that looks vaguely like a heron flying straight up out of the water. Drawn as a (big) doodle while waiting for an awards
dinner to begin. Ballpoint pen.
Some sort of three-bladed thingey with a lot of blending between dark and light. (I love
blending.) Drawn as a doodle during Psychology when I didn't feel like listening to what would
be on the test. Mechanical pencil.
A cat, frozen in the glare of headlights. The irony in the title is intentional. Drawn while
waiting for Psych to start one day. CGed 8 April 2001; original mechanical pencil.
The bust of a dark mage that looks kind of like a Jawa, with a quote from the song "Witch
Hunt" by Rush beneath it. Drawn in green pen during a terminally boring meeting. Ballpoint pen.
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