Copyleft and Copyright - Lakeside Park


I based this copyleft loosely upon the GNU General Public License for computer software: copyright the works, then use it to guarantee that everyone may use it. But since art is not quite software, I had to create more restrictive guidelines for use of my stuff. The spirit is this: I want my stuff to be usable by anyone who isn't selling it, but I want to know what's happening to it, and be linked to as credit. (Actually, this more closely resembles the original BSD license than the GNU GPL. Oh well.)

You may use any of my poems, images, or short stories on any personal website, provided you satisfy the following conditions:

You should send an email to, letting me know where you're using it. That way, I can get a warm fuzzy glow (someone's using my stuff!) and also visit your site. I will not ask you to remove it, even if I disagree with the rest of your site.

Here's a quick example:

<IMG SRC=pics/anticat.gif WIDTH=151 HEIGHT=117 ALT="[Hellcat]"><BR>Copyright C. Daelhousen; <A HREF=>Used with permission.</A>
Copyright C. Daelhousen; Used with permission.

If you want to use anything outside a personal website--for instance, in a published-on-dead-trees collection of poetry, a commercial Web site, or on a poster--you must have my permission.

For your convenience, I have listed the copylefted images that aren't part of the gallery below. You can get them by simply right-clicking (or holding the mouse down on the Mac) and then clicking "Save Link As..." or "Save Target As..." in the resulting menu. Lynx users can simply go to the link and hit 'd'.

If you want any of these in a different format, email me. Candle can be a PNG with alpha channel; the others would be as is.

knife.gifSimple Dagger
eyeburst.pngSoul's Stare
faerymoon.jpgAd Astra: To The Stars
shiftdrift.gifShifting and Drifting

All images in the Gallery are also copylefted, and their titles are found with them.


All the HTML work was done by me, by hand, and is copyright 1999-2002 C. Daelhousen. You can make as many copies as you like, but you may not distribute them unless they are copylefted (the poems and short stories), and the terms above are satisfied.

The unicorn in the waterfall at the top of the Unicorn Prarie is copyright Gail Gastfield and used with permission.

The spirit flower on the Thanks page comes from The Site Fights.

And everything at this site ultimately comes from Jewel (not the singer.)


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