Home of C. A. "Sapphire Cat" Daelhousen <loonxtall@hotmail.com>, created because Jewel (see her website) asked me to write some poetry, and I did.
About Me | A little bit about me. |
Awards | The usual awards page. Nothing special. |
Copyleft and Copyright | A legal page describing what you can and can't take. This is not the usual "don't take anything" policy. |
The Dream | The goals I had in mind for the Park after having it a while. |
Dreamtree | A walk-through realm, heavier on description than interaction, because that's what I'm good at. |
Gallery | My copylefted art. More art is at my Elfwood gallery. |
Guestbook | Provided by Bravenet. |
HTML Weapons | Some tools and tips for Webmasters. I wrote an interactive color chart and a META tag generator, which work much better without ads. |
LiveJournal | (external link) My journal. |
LJ Client | A client written in Perl for updating my LiveJournal. For Unix-like systems, although only tested first-hand on Linux. |
Poetry | Poems, the seed of all that is here today. |
Quotes | Some quotes that tickled my fancy. |
Short Stories | Some short (and some really short) stories exploring various ideas that drift through my head. |
Thanks | Thank yous for the people and companies that made the site as cool as it is. |
You're visitor number 657 to this page since 4 June 2001.
Parts of this site are copylefted and others are copyrighted as described in the legal notice.
Lakeside Park is maintained by C. Daelhousen <loonxtall@hotmail.com>