Heartache - Poetry - Lakeside Park


you came to me so softly
and stood by me, fascinated
in me
just me
not what i know
or what i can do
or what i can create
if i let my dreams take wing
but me

and i let you stand there
because it was the right thing
and i never realized
you filled the part of me
that had been empty for so long
that i thought it was a part of me
rather than an absence of all

i never realized what they mean
by "love makes you whole"
until i missed you so....

(There used to be a comments form here. However, having seen what I get when I make it easy to comment, that form has been indefinitely suspended. I can still be reached by email at <loonxtall@hotmail.com>. I apologize for any inconvenience.)

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Lakeside Park is maintained by C. Daelhousen <loonxtall@hotmail.com>