Unicorn Prarie - Lakeside Park
[Heart of a Unicorn, Kindness of a Faery, Soul of a Dragon]


looking back
it all started in a chatroom
that I never would've been in if there hadn't been a massacre in a Colorado high school
and you were there

I tried not to
but I agreed to give it a shot
and a whole other part of me awakened, bringing the fires of emotion to the cold pen
and you liked it

once pushed
I never stopped writing them
even in the midst of summer camp or the end-of-semester crunches I wrote still more
and I loved it

I asked myself
when you sent me a sapphire cat
if I loved you, and the answer came back "yes", and I had loved but never realized it
until then

looking around
at the speed relationships break
I had been afraid to be in love, afraid it would end, then I saw I was there for so long
and I loved it

for a year
or longer, I can't even say
I've loved someone I have never met, but who awoke someone totally different in my heart
and I love you

if it ends
whether tomorrow or years from now
always remember what you gave me: love for something other than plastic and silicon
love for poetry

[Green Rose]

If there's such a thing as luck, I wish the best of it to you.

[Clover anim -LINK-]
[Dragon in a Globe]
Made by LJ Designs ---- http://ljdesigns.freeservers.com

You are at the edge of the Unicorn Prarie. You can see some unicorns to the south.

22 March 2001: Part Deux

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Parts of this site are copylefted and others are copyrighted as described in the legal notice.

Lakeside Park is maintained by C. Daelhousen <loonxtall@hotmail.com>