Magic Unlimited - Short Stories - Lakeside Park

Magic Unlimited

A story of how the world ended, as related to The Sapphire Cat by a lost soul.

The world ended in fire. And ice. And just about everything else imaginable. But the end began at the beginning, when the seeds of magic were planted.

In the olden days, wizards pretended it was very difficult, and made the magic hard to use for their apprentices; this allowed them to judge character, so they would not grant the true secret to one ill-equipped to handle it.

After the famous Witch Hunts of the Fuedal and Colonial Periods, magic faded from view until after World War III was waged from the very network that was to unite the world... but I digress. World War III signaled the end of the Silicon Period, but science continued.

The first sign of the end came when scientists developed a Theory of Everything using magic as a basic force. Scoffed at first, it was soon proven, and magic began to move into the mainstream, pushed by companies hungry for ever more of the elusive profit.

Yet the successful marketing of magic proved to be their greatest mistake, since the widespread use of magic obliterated the need for those corporations. After all, why buy something when creating it from nothing is faster, cheaper, and more convenient?

It seemed like Eden, and was often celebrated as such. There was only one problem with it: noise pollution. Anyone could play (or make) any music they wanted at whatever volume they chose. If they didn't also put up a sound-barrier, the noise would inevitably leak into a self-righteous vigilante's perception, and the offender's house would immediately be roasted. The innocent noisemaker would retaliate, drinking in the sweet poison of revenge, and things would escalate from there. Similar things happened with people who thought it should be their favorite time of day around the clock.

It didn't take long for the world to end after that. I'm still wondering if God is happy to be spared the trouble, or if He's angry that it happened. Some things must remain a mystery, I suppose.

(There used to be a comments form here. However, having seen what I get when I make it easy to comment, that form has been indefinitely suspended. I can still be reached by email at <>. I apologize for any inconvenience.)

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